Operation Recovery & UNCOMN

Operation Recovery and UNCOMN Case Study

In the wake of the U.S. military’s withdrawal from Afghanistan, thousands of U.S. Afghan allies were in need of a safe exit, and were left at risk of Taliban retaliation. Operation Recovery quickly stepped in, coordinating a secure departure for many of the allies and their families.

In order to protect communications between Operation Recovery and evacuation applicants, Operation Recovery needed an end-to-end encrypted solution that would allow them to integrate with their existing case management system, while securely communicating with refugees 24/7. The product had to work on any device — and be easy for anyone to use.

Operation Recovery partnered with UNCOMN and AWS Wickr teams to develop a secure communications solution using Wickr, specifically AWS Wickr (formerly called AWS Wickr) and Wickr Me. In just three months, the teams developed and deployed a solution that bridged all messaging between Operation Recovery and its applicants via APIs. A bot was created to help streamline the workflow, all while ensuring communications were end-to-end encrypted.